/**需要结合jquery和Validform和artdialog一起使用 ----------------------------------------------------------*/ function getPopMenu(c, u, p, t) { $.getJSON("/tools/ajax_menu.ashx?category=" + c + "&up=" + u, function (data) { $.each(data, function (idx, item) { $("#" + p).append(t.replace(/\[path\]/g, item.path).replace(/\[title\]/g, item.title)); }); }); } //写Cookie function addCookie(objName, objValue, objHours) { var str = objName + "=" + escape(objValue); if (objHours > 0) {//为0时不设定过期时间,浏览器关闭时cookie自动消失 var date = new Date(); var ms = objHours * 3600 * 1000; date.setTime(date.getTime() + ms); str += "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } document.cookie = str; } //读Cookie function getCookie(objName) {//获取指定名称的cookie的值 var arrStr = document.cookie.split("; "); for (var i = 0; i < arrStr.length; i++) { var temp = arrStr[i].split("="); if (temp[0] == objName) return unescape(temp[1]); } return ""; } //四舍五入函数 function ForDight(Dight, How) { Dight = Math.round(Dight * Math.pow(10, How)) / Math.pow(10, How); return Dight; } //只允许输入数字 function checkNumber(e) { var keynum = window.event ? e.keyCode : e.which; if ((48 <= keynum && keynum <= 57) || keynum == 8) { return true; } else { return false; } } //只允许输入小数 function checkForFloat(obj, e) { var isOK = false; var key = window.event ? e.keyCode : e.which; if ((key > 95 && key < 106) || //小键盘上的0到9 (key > 47 && key < 60) || //大键盘上的0到9 (key == 110 && obj.value.indexOf(".") < 0) || //小键盘上的.而且以前没有输入. (key == 190 && obj.value.indexOf(".") < 0) || //大键盘上的.而且以前没有输入. key == 8 || key == 9 || key == 46 || key == 37 || key == 39) { isOK = true; } else { if (window.event) { //IE e.returnValue = false; //event.returnValue=false 效果相同. } else { //Firefox e.preventDefault(); } } return isOK;} //复制文本 function copyText(txt){ window.clipboardData.setData("Text",txt); var d = dialog({content:'复制成功,可以通过粘贴来发送!'}).show(); setTimeout(function () { d.close().remove(); }, 2000); } //切换验证码 function ToggleCode(obj, codeurl) { $(obj).children("img").eq(0).attr("src", codeurl + "?time=" + Math.random()); return false; } //全选取消按钮函数,调用样式如: function checkAll(chkobj){ if($(chkobj).text()=="全选"){ $(chkobj).text("取消"); $(".checkall").prop("checked", true); }else{ $(chkobj).text("全选"); $(".checkall").prop("checked", false); } } //Tab控制选项卡 function tabs(tabObj, event) { //绑定事件 var tabItem = $(tabObj).find(".tab-head ul li a"); tabItem.bind(event, function(){ //设置点击后的切换样式 tabItem.removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); //设置点击后的切换内容 var tabNum = tabItem.parent().index($(this).parent()); $(tabObj).find(".tab-content").hide(); $(tabObj).find(".tab-content").eq(tabNum).show(); }); } //显示浮动窗口 function showWindow(obj){ var tit = $(obj).attr("title"); var box = $(obj).html(); dialog({ width:500, title:tit, content:box, okValue:'确定', ok:function (){ } }).showModal(); } /*页面级通用方法 ------------------------------------------------*/ //智能浮动层函数 $.fn.smartFloat = function() { var position = function(element) { var top = element.position().top, pos = element.css("position"); var w = element.innerWidth(); $(window).scroll(function() { var scrolls = $(this).scrollTop(); if (scrolls > top) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { element.css({ width: w, position: "fixed", top: 55 }); } else { element.css({ top: scrolls }); } }else { element.css({ position: pos, top: top }); } }); }; return $(this).each(function() { position($(this)); });}; //搜索查询 function SiteSearch(send_url, divTgs, channel_name) { alert(1); var strwhere = ""; if (channel_name !== undefined) { strwhere = "&channel_name=" + channel_name } var str = $.trim($(divTgs).val()); if (str.length > 0 && str != "输入关健字") { window.location.href = send_url + "?keyword=" + encodeURI($(divTgs).val()) + strwhere; } return false; } //链接下载 function downLink(linkurl) { dialog({ title: '提示', content: "需要继续吗?", okValue: '确定', ok: function () { window.location.href = linkurl; }, cancelValue: '取消', cancel: function () { } }).showModal(); return false; } //链接下载 function downPointLink(point, linkurl) { if (point > 0) { dialog({ title: '提示', content: "下载需扣除" + point + "个积分
重复下载不扣积分,需要继续吗?", okValue: '确定', ok: function () { window.location.href = linkurl; }, cancelValue: '取消', cancel: function () { } }).showModal(); } else { window.location.href = linkurl; } return false; } //链接下载 function memberDownLink(point, linkurl) { if (point > 0) { dialog({ title: '提示', content: "下载需扣除" + point + "个积分
重复下载不扣积分,需要继续吗?", okValue: '确定', ok: function () { $.ajax({ type: "post", data: {}, url: linkurl + "&action=downvalidation", dataType: "json", success: function (data, textStatus) { if (data.status == 1) { window.location.href = linkurl + "&action=downloadfile"; } else if (data.status == 2) { window.location.href = linkurl + "&action=downloginvalidation"; } else { dialog({ title: '提示', content: data.msg, okValue: '确定', ok: function () { } }).showModal(); } }, }); }, cancelValue: '取消', cancel: function () { } }).showModal(); } else { $.ajax({ type: "post", data: {}, url: linkurl + "&action=downvalidation", dataType: "json", success: function (data, textStatus) { if (data.status == 1) { window.location.href = linkurl + "&action=downloadfile"; } else if (data.status == 2) { window.location.href = linkurl + "&action=downloginvalidation"; } else { dialog({ title: '提示', content: data.msg, okValue: '确定', ok: function () { } }).showModal(); } }, }); } return false; } //计算积分兑换 function numConvert(obj){ var maxAmount = parseFloat($("#hideAmount").val()); //总金额 var pointCashrate = parseFloat($("#hideCashrate").val()); //兑换比例 var currAmount = parseFloat($(obj).val()); //需要转换的金额 if(currAmount > maxAmount){ currAmount = maxAmount; $(obj).val(maxAmount); } var convertPoint = currAmount * pointCashrate; $("#convertPoint").text(convertPoint); } //执行删除操作 function ExecDelete(sendUrl, checkValue, urlObj){ //检查传输的值 if (!checkValue) { dialog({title:'提示', content:'对不起,请选中您要操作的记录!', okValue:'确定', ok:function (){}}).showModal(); return false; } dialog({ title: '提示', content: '删除记录后不可恢复,您确定吗?', okValue: '确定', ok: function () { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: sendUrl, dataType: "json", data: { "checkId": checkValue }, timeout: 20000, success: function(data, textStatus) { if (data.status == 1){ var tipdialog = dialog({content:data.msg}).show(); setTimeout(function () { tipdialog.close().remove(); if($(urlObj)){ location.href = $(urlObj).val(); }else{ location.reload(); } }, 2000); } else { dialog({title:'提示', content:data.msg, okValue:'确定', ok:function (){}}).showModal(); } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { dialog({title:'提示', content:'状态:' + textStatus + ';出错提示:' + errorThrown, okValue:'确定', ok:function (){}}).showModal(); } }); }, cancelValue: '取消', cancel: function () { } }).showModal(); } //单击执行AJAX请求操作 function clickSubmit(sendUrl){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: sendUrl, dataType: "json", timeout: 20000, success: function(data, textStatus) { if (data.status == 1){ var d = dialog({content:data.msg}).show(); setTimeout(function () { d.close().remove(); location.reload(); }, 2000); } else { dialog({title:'提示', content:data.msg, okValue:'确定', ok:function (){}}).showModal(); } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { dialog({title:'提示', content:"状态:" + textStatus + ";出错提示:" + errorThrown, okValue:'确定', ok:function (){}}).showModal(); } }); } //=====================发送验证邮件===================== function sendEmail(username, sendurl) { if(username == ""){ dialog({title:'提示', content:'对不起,用户名不允许为空!', okValue:'确定', ok:function (){}}).showModal(); return false; } //提交 $.ajax({ url: sendurl, type: "POST", timeout: 60000, data: { "username": username }, dataType: "json", success: function (data, type) { if (data.status == 1) { var d = dialog({content:data.msg}).show(); setTimeout(function () { d.close().remove(); }, 2000); } else { dialog({title:'提示', content:data.msg, okValue:'确定', ok:function (){}}).showModal(); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){ dialog({title:'提示', content:"状态:" + textStatus + ";出错提示:" + errorThrown, okValue:'确定', ok:function (){}}).showModal(); } }); } //=====================发送手机短信验证码===================== var wait = 0; //计算变量 function sendSMS(btnObj, valObj, sendUrl) { if($(valObj).val() == ""){ dialog({title:'提示', content:'对不起,请填写手机号码后再获取!', okValue:'确定', ok:function (){}}).showModal(); return false; } //发送AJAX请求 $.ajax({ url: sendUrl, type: "POST", timeout: 60000, data: { "mobile": $(valObj).val() }, dataType: "json", beforeSend: function(XMLHttpRequest) { $(btnObj).unbind("click").removeAttr("onclick"); //移除按钮事件 }, success: function (data, type) { if (data.status == 1) { wait = data.time * 60; //赋值时间 time(); //调用计算器 var d = dialog({content:data.msg}).show(); setTimeout(function () { d.close().remove(); }, 2000); } else { $(btnObj).removeClass("gray").text("发送确认码"); $(btnObj).bind("click", function(){ sendSMS(btnObj, valObj, sendurl); //重新绑定事件 }); dialog({title:'提示', content:data.msg, okValue:'确定', ok:function (){}}).showModal(); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){ $(btnObj).removeClass("gray").text("发送确认码"); $(btnObj).bind("click", function(){ sendSMS(btnObj, valObj, sendurl); //重新绑定事件 }); dialog({title:'提示', content:"状态:" + textStatus + ";出错提示:" + errorThrown, okValue:'确定', ok:function (){}}).showModal(); } }); //倒计时计算器 function time(){ if (wait == 0) { $(btnObj).removeClass("gray").text("发送确认码"); $(btnObj).bind("click", function(){ sendSMS(btnObj, valObj, sendurl); //重新绑定事件 }); }else{ $(btnObj).addClass("gray").text("重新发送(" + wait + ")"); wait--; setTimeout(function() { time(btnObj); },1000) } } } /*表单AJAX提交封装(包含验证) ------------------------------------------------*/ function AjaxInitForm(formObj, btnObj, isDialog, urlObj, callback){ var argNum = arguments.length; //参数个数 $(formObj).Validform({ tiptype:3, callback:function(form){ //AJAX提交表单 $(form).ajaxSubmit({ beforeSubmit: formRequest, success: formResponse, error: formError, url: $(formObj).attr("url"), type: "post", dataType: "json", timeout: 60000 }); return false; } }); //表单提交前 function formRequest(formData, jqForm, options) { $(btnObj).prop("disabled", true); $(btnObj).val("提交中..."); } //表单提交后 function formResponse(data, textStatus) { if (data.status == 1) { $(btnObj).val("提交成功"); //是否提示,默认不提示 if(isDialog == 1){ var d = dialog({content:data.msg}).show(); setTimeout(function () { d.close().remove(); if (argNum == 5) { callback(); }else if(data.url){ location.href = data.url; }else if($(urlObj).length > 0 && $(urlObj).val() != ""){ location.href = $(urlObj).val(); }else{ location.reload(); } }, 2000); }else{ if (argNum == 5) { callback(); }else if(data.url){ location.href = data.url; }else if($(urlObj)){ location.href = $(urlObj).val(); }else{ location.reload(); } } } else if (data.status == 0) {//返回错误提示 dialog({ title: '提示', content: data.msg, okValue: '确定', ok: function () { } }).showModal(); $(btnObj).prop("disabled", false); $(btnObj).val("再次提交"); } } //表单提交出错 function formError(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { dialog({ title: '提示', content: '状态:' + textStatus + ';出错提示:' + errorThrown, okValue: '确定', ok: function () { } }).showModal(); $(btnObj).prop("disabled", false); $(btnObj).val("再次提交"); } } //显示评论AJAX分页列表 function AjaxPageList(listDiv, pageDiv, pageSize, pageCount, sendUrl, defaultAvatar) { //pageIndex -页面索引初始值 //pageSize -每页显示条数初始化 //pageCount -取得总页数 InitComment(0);//初始化评论数据 $(pageDiv).pagination(pageCount, { callback: pageselectCallback, prev_text: "« 上一页", next_text: "下一页 »", items_per_page:pageSize, num_display_entries:3, current_page:0, num_edge_entries:5, link_to:"javascript:;" }); //分页点击事件 function pageselectCallback(page_id, jq) { InitComment(page_id); 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    ' + '
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    ' + '
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  • '; } $(listDiv).html(strHtml); }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { $(listDiv).html('


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    ', image: '', iframe: '", error: '

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(k = { href: c.data("fancybox-href") || c.attr("href"), title: c.data("fancybox-title") || c.attr("title"), isDom: !0, element: c }, f.metadata && f.extend(!0, k, c.metadata())) : k = c); g = d.href || k.href || (p(c) ? c : null); h = d.title !== r ? d.title : k.title || ""; m = (j = d.content || k.content) ? "html" : d.type || k.type; !m && k.isDom && (m = c.data("fancybox-type"), m || (m = (m = c.prop("class").match(/fancybox\.(\w+)/)) ? m[1] : null)); p(g) && (m || (b.isImage(g) ? m = "image" : b.isSWF(g) ? m = "swf" : "#" === g.charAt(0) ? m = "inline" : p(c) && (m = "html", j = c)), "ajax" === m && (l = g.split(/\s+/, 2), g = l.shift(), l = l.shift())); j || ("inline" === m ? g ? j = f(p(g) ? g.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, "") : g) : k.isDom && (j = c) : "html" === m ? j = g : !m && (!g && k.isDom) && (m = "inline", j = c)); f.extend(k, { href: g, type: m, content: j, title: h, selector: l }); a[e] = k }), b.opts = f.extend(!0, {}, b.defaults, d), d.keys !== r && (b.opts.keys = d.keys ? f.extend({}, b.defaults.keys, d.keys) : !1), b.group = a, b._start(b.opts.index) }, cancel: function () { var a = b.coming; a && !1 !== b.trigger("onCancel") && (b.hideLoading(), b.ajaxLoad && b.ajaxLoad.abort(), b.ajaxLoad = null, b.imgPreload && (b.imgPreload.onload = b.imgPreload.onerror = null), a.wrap && a.wrap.stop(!0, !0).trigger("onReset").remove(), b.coming = null, b.current || b._afterZoomOut(a)) }, close: function (a) { b.cancel(); !1 !== b.trigger("beforeClose") && (b.unbindEvents(), b.isActive && (!b.isOpen || !0 === a ? (f(".fancybox-wrap").stop(!0).trigger("onReset").remove(), b._afterZoomOut()) : (b.isOpen = b.isOpened = !1, b.isClosing = !0, f(".fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav").remove(), b.wrap.stop(!0, !0).removeClass("fancybox-opened"), b.transitions[b.current.closeMethod]()))) }, play: function (a) { var d = function () { clearTimeout(b.player.timer) }, e = function () { d(); b.current && b.player.isActive && (b.player.timer = setTimeout(b.next, b.current.playSpeed)) }, c = function () { d(); f("body").unbind(".player"); b.player.isActive = !1; b.trigger("onPlayEnd") }; if (!0 === a || !b.player.isActive && !1 !== a) { if (b.current && (b.current.loop || b.current.index < b.group.length - 1)) b.player.isActive = !0, f("body").bind({ "afterShow.player onUpdate.player": e, "onCancel.player beforeClose.player": c, "beforeLoad.player": d }), e(), b.trigger("onPlayStart") } else c() }, next: function (a) { var d = b.current; d && (p(a) || (a = d.direction.next), b.jumpto(d.index + 1, a, "next")) }, prev: function (a) { var d = b.current; d && (p(a) || (a = d.direction.prev), b.jumpto(d.index - 1, a, "prev")) }, jumpto: function (a, d, e) { var c = b.current; c && (a = l(a), b.direction = d || c.direction[a >= c.index ? "next" : "prev"], b.router = e || "jumpto", c.loop && (0 > a && (a = c.group.length + a % c.group.length), a %= c.group.length), c.group[a] !== r && (b.cancel(), b._start(a))) }, reposition: function (a, d) { var e = b.current, c = e ? e.wrap : null, k; c && (k = b._getPosition(d), a && "scroll" === a.type ? (delete k.position, c.stop(!0, !0).animate(k, 200)) : (c.css(k), e.pos = f.extend({}, e.dim, k))) }, update: function (a) { var d = a && a.type, e = !d || "orientationchange" === d; e && (clearTimeout(w), w = null); b.isOpen && !w && (w = setTimeout(function () { var c = b.current; c && !b.isClosing && (b.wrap.removeClass("fancybox-tmp"), (e || "load" === d || "resize" === d && c.autoResize) && b._setDimension(), "scroll" === d && c.canShrink || b.reposition(a), b.trigger("onUpdate"), w = null) }, e && !s ? 0 : 300)) }, toggle: function (a) { b.isOpen && (b.current.fitToView = "boolean" === f.type(a) ? a : !b.current.fitToView, s && (b.wrap.removeAttr("style").addClass("fancybox-tmp"), b.trigger("onUpdate")), b.update()) }, hideLoading: function () { n.unbind(".loading"); f("#fancybox-loading").remove() }, showLoading: function () { var a, d; b.hideLoading(); a = f('
    ').click(b.cancel).appendTo("body"); n.bind("keydown.loading", function (a) { if (27 === (a.which || a.keyCode)) a.preventDefault(), b.cancel() }); b.defaults.fixed || (d = b.getViewport(), a.css({ position: "absolute", top: 0.5 * d.h + d.y, left: 0.5 * d.w + d.x })) }, getViewport: function () { var a = b.current && b.current.locked || !1, d = { x: q.scrollLeft(), y: q.scrollTop() }; a ? (d.w = a[0].clientWidth, d.h = a[0].clientHeight) : (d.w = s && C.innerWidth ? C.innerWidth : q.width(), d.h = s && C.innerHeight ? C.innerHeight : q.height()); return d }, unbindEvents: function () { b.wrap && t(b.wrap) && b.wrap.unbind(".fb"); n.unbind(".fb"); q.unbind(".fb") }, bindEvents: function () { var a = b.current, d; a && (q.bind("orientationchange.fb" + (s ? "" : " resize.fb") + (a.autoCenter && !a.locked ? " scroll.fb" : ""), b.update), (d = a.keys) && n.bind("keydown.fb", function (e) { var c = e.which || e.keyCode, k = e.target || e.srcElement; if (27 === c && b.coming) return !1; !e.ctrlKey && (!e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey && (!k || !k.type && !f(k).is("[contenteditable]"))) && f.each(d, function (d, k) { if (1 < a.group.length && k[c] !== r) return b[d](k[c]), e.preventDefault(), !1; if (-1 < f.inArray(c, k)) return b[d](), e.preventDefault(), !1 }) }), f.fn.mousewheel && a.mouseWheel && b.wrap.bind("mousewheel.fb", function (d, c, k, g) { for (var h = f(d.target || null), j = !1; h.length && !j && !h.is(".fancybox-skin") && !h.is(".fancybox-wrap") ;) j = h[0] && !(h[0].style.overflow && "hidden" === h[0].style.overflow) && (h[0].clientWidth && h[0].scrollWidth > h[0].clientWidth || h[0].clientHeight && h[0].scrollHeight > h[0].clientHeight), h = f(h).parent(); if (0 !== c && !j && 1 < b.group.length && !a.canShrink) { if (0 < g || 0 < k) b.prev(0 < g ? "down" : "left"); else if (0 > g || 0 > k) b.next(0 > g ? "up" : "right"); d.preventDefault() } })) }, trigger: function (a, d) { var e, c = d || b.coming || b.current; if (c) { f.isFunction(c[a]) && (e = c[a].apply(c, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1))); if (!1 === e) return !1; c.helpers && f.each(c.helpers, function (d, e) { e && (b.helpers[d] && f.isFunction(b.helpers[d][a])) && (e = f.extend(!0, {}, b.helpers[d].defaults, e), b.helpers[d][a](e, c)) }); f.event.trigger(a + ".fb") } }, isImage: function (a) { return p(a) && a.match(/(^data:image\/.*,)|(\.(jp(e|g|eg)|gif|png|bmp|webp)((\?|#).*)?$)/i) }, isSWF: function (a) { return p(a) && a.match(/\.(swf)((\?|#).*)?$/i) }, _start: function (a) { var d = {}, e, c; a = l(a); e = b.group[a] || null; if (!e) return !1; d = f.extend(!0, {}, b.opts, e); e = d.margin; c = d.padding; "number" === f.type(e) && (d.margin = [e, e, e, e]); "number" === f.type(c) && (d.padding = [c, c, c, c]); d.modal && f.extend(!0, d, { closeBtn: !1, closeClick: !1, nextClick: !1, arrows: !1, mouseWheel: !1, keys: null, helpers: { overlay: { closeClick: !1 } } }); d.autoSize && (d.autoWidth = d.autoHeight = !0); "auto" === d.width && (d.autoWidth = !0); "auto" === d.height && (d.autoHeight = !0); d.group = b.group; d.index = a; b.coming = d; if (!1 === b.trigger("beforeLoad")) b.coming = null; else { c = d.type; e = d.href; if (!c) return b.coming = null, b.current && b.router && "jumpto" !== b.router ? (b.current.index = a, b[b.router](b.direction)) : !1; b.isActive = !0; if ("image" === c || "swf" === c) d.autoHeight = d.autoWidth = !1, d.scrolling = "visible"; "image" === c && (d.aspectRatio = !0); "iframe" === c && s && (d.scrolling = "scroll"); d.wrap = f(d.tpl.wrap).addClass("fancybox-" + (s ? "mobile" : "desktop") + " fancybox-type-" + c + " fancybox-tmp " + d.wrapCSS).appendTo(d.parent || "body"); f.extend(d, { skin: f(".fancybox-skin", d.wrap), outer: f(".fancybox-outer", d.wrap), inner: f(".fancybox-inner", d.wrap) }); f.each(["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"], function (a, b) { d.skin.css("padding" + b, x(d.padding[a])) }); b.trigger("onReady"); if ("inline" === c || "html" === c) { if (!d.content || !d.content.length) return b._error("content") } else if (!e) return b._error("href"); "image" === c ? b._loadImage() : "ajax" === c ? b._loadAjax() : "iframe" === c ? b._loadIframe() : b._afterLoad() } }, _error: function (a) { f.extend(b.coming, { type: "html", autoWidth: !0, autoHeight: !0, minWidth: 0, minHeight: 0, scrolling: "no", hasError: a, content: b.coming.tpl.error }); b._afterLoad() }, _loadImage: function () { var a = b.imgPreload = new Image; a.onload = function () { this.onload = this.onerror = null; b.coming.width = this.width; b.coming.height = this.height; b._afterLoad() }; a.onerror = function () { this.onload = this.onerror = null; b._error("image") }; a.src = b.coming.href; !0 !== a.complete && b.showLoading() }, _loadAjax: function () { var a = b.coming; b.showLoading(); b.ajaxLoad = f.ajax(f.extend({}, a.ajax, { url: a.href, error: function (a, e) { b.coming && "abort" !== e ? b._error("ajax", a) : b.hideLoading() }, success: function (d, e) { "success" === e && (a.content = d, b._afterLoad()) } })) }, _loadIframe: function () { var a = b.coming, d = f(a.tpl.iframe.replace(/\{rnd\}/g, (new Date).getTime())).attr("scrolling", s ? "auto" : a.iframe.scrolling).attr("src", a.href); f(a.wrap).bind("onReset", function () { try { f(this).find("iframe").hide().attr("src", "//about:blank").end().empty() } catch (a) { } }); a.iframe.preload && (b.showLoading(), d.one("load", function () { f(this).data("ready", 1); s || f(this).bind("load.fb", b.update); f(this).parents(".fancybox-wrap").width("100%").removeClass("fancybox-tmp").show(); b._afterLoad() })); a.content = d.appendTo(a.inner); a.iframe.preload || b._afterLoad() }, _preloadImages: function () { var a = b.group, d = b.current, e = a.length, c = d.preload ? Math.min(d.preload, e - 1) : 0, f, g; for (g = 1; g <= c; g += 1) f = a[(d.index + g) % e], "image" === f.type && f.href && ((new Image).src = f.href) }, _afterLoad: function () { var a = b.coming, d = b.current, e, c, k, g, h; b.hideLoading(); if (a && !1 !== b.isActive) if (!1 === b.trigger("afterLoad", a, d)) a.wrap.stop(!0).trigger("onReset").remove(), b.coming = null; else { d && (b.trigger("beforeChange", d), d.wrap.stop(!0).removeClass("fancybox-opened").find(".fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav").remove()); b.unbindEvents(); e = a.content; c = a.type; k = a.scrolling; f.extend(b, { wrap: a.wrap, skin: a.skin, outer: a.outer, inner: a.inner, current: a, previous: d }); g = a.href; switch (c) { case "inline": case "ajax": case "html": a.selector ? e = f("
    ").html(e).find(a.selector) : t(e) && (e.data("fancybox-placeholder") || e.data("fancybox-placeholder", f('
    ').insertAfter(e).hide()), e = e.show().detach(), a.wrap.bind("onReset", function () { f(this).find(e).length && e.hide().replaceAll(e.data("fancybox-placeholder")).data("fancybox-placeholder", !1) })); break; case "image": e = a.tpl.image.replace("{href}", g); break; case "swf": e = '" } (!t(e) || !e.parent().is(a.inner)) && a.inner.append(e); b.trigger("beforeShow"); a.inner.css("overflow", "yes" === k ? "scroll" : "no" === k ? "hidden" : k); b._setDimension(); b.reposition(); b.isOpen = !1; b.coming = null; b.bindEvents(); if (b.isOpened) { if (d.prevMethod) b.transitions[d.prevMethod]() } else f(".fancybox-wrap").not(a.wrap).stop(!0).trigger("onReset").remove(); b.transitions[b.isOpened ? a.nextMethod : a.openMethod](); b._preloadImages() } }, _setDimension: function () { var a = b.getViewport(), d = 0, e = !1, c = !1, e = b.wrap, k = b.skin, g = b.inner, h = b.current, c = h.width, j = h.height, m = h.minWidth, u = h.minHeight, n = h.maxWidth, v = h.maxHeight, s = h.scrolling, q = h.scrollOutside ? h.scrollbarWidth : 0, y = h.margin, p = l(y[1] + y[3]), r = l(y[0] + y[2]), z, A, t, D, B, G, C, E, w; e.add(k).add(g).width("auto").height("auto").removeClass("fancybox-tmp"); y = l(k.outerWidth(!0) - k.width()); z = l(k.outerHeight(!0) - k.height()); A = p + y; t = r + z; D = F(c) ? (a.w - A) * l(c) / 100 : c; B = F(j) ? (a.h - t) * l(j) / 100 : j; if ("iframe" === h.type) { if (w = h.content, h.autoHeight && 1 === w.data("ready")) try { w[0].contentWindow.document.location && (g.width(D).height(9999), G = w.contents().find("body"), q && G.css("overflow-x", "hidden"), B = G.height()) } catch (H) { } } else if (h.autoWidth || h.autoHeight) g.addClass("fancybox-tmp"), h.autoWidth || g.width(D), h.autoHeight || g.height(B), h.autoWidth && (D = g.width()), h.autoHeight && (B = g.height()), g.removeClass("fancybox-tmp"); c = l(D); j = l(B); E = D / B; m = l(F(m) ? l(m, "w") - A : m); n = l(F(n) ? l(n, "w") - A : n); u = l(F(u) ? l(u, "h") - t : u); v = l(F(v) ? l(v, "h") - t : v); G = n; C = v; h.fitToView && (n = Math.min(a.w - A, n), v = Math.min(a.h - t, v)); A = a.w - p; r = a.h - r; h.aspectRatio ? (c > n && (c = n, j = l(c / E)), j > v && (j = v, c = l(j * E)), c < m && (c = m, j = l(c / E)), j < u && (j = u, c = l(j * E))) : (c = Math.max(m, Math.min(c, n)), h.autoHeight && "iframe" !== h.type && (g.width(c), j = g.height()), j = Math.max(u, Math.min(j, v))); if (h.fitToView) if (g.width(c).height(j), e.width(c + y), a = e.width(), p = e.height(), h.aspectRatio) for (; (a > A || p > r) && (c > m && j > u) && !(19 < d++) ;) j = Math.max(u, Math.min(v, j - 10)), c = l(j * E), c < m && (c = m, j = l(c / E)), c > n && (c = n, j = l(c / E)), g.width(c).height(j), e.width(c + y), a = e.width(), p = e.height(); else c = Math.max(m, Math.min(c, c - (a - A))), j = Math.max(u, Math.min(j, j - (p - r))); q && ("auto" === s && j < B && c + y + q < A) && (c += q); g.width(c).height(j); e.width(c + y); a = e.width(); p = e.height(); e = (a > A || p > r) && c > m && j > u; c = h.aspectRatio ? c < G && j < C && c < D && j < B : (c < G || j < C) && (c < D || j < B); f.extend(h, { dim: { width: x(a), height: x(p) }, origWidth: D, origHeight: B, canShrink: e, canExpand: c, wPadding: y, hPadding: z, wrapSpace: p - k.outerHeight(!0), skinSpace: k.height() - j }); !w && (h.autoHeight && j > u && j < v && !c) && g.height("auto") }, _getPosition: function (a) { var d = b.current, e = b.getViewport(), c = d.margin, f = b.wrap.width() + c[1] + c[3], g = b.wrap.height() + c[0] + c[2], c = { position: "absolute", top: c[0], left: c[3] }; d.autoCenter && d.fixed && !a && g <= e.h && f <= e.w ? c.position = "fixed" : d.locked || (c.top += e.y, c.left += e.x); c.top = x(Math.max(c.top, c.top + (e.h - g) * d.topRatio)); c.left = x(Math.max(c.left, c.left + (e.w - f) * d.leftRatio)); return c }, _afterZoomIn: function () { var a = b.current; a && (b.isOpen = b.isOpened = !0, b.wrap.css("overflow", "visible").addClass("fancybox-opened"), b.update(), (a.closeClick || a.nextClick && 1 < b.group.length) && b.inner.css("cursor", "pointer").bind("click.fb", function (d) { !f(d.target).is("a") && !f(d.target).parent().is("a") && (d.preventDefault(), b[a.closeClick ? "close" : "next"]()) }), a.closeBtn && f(a.tpl.closeBtn).appendTo(b.skin).bind("click.fb", function (a) { a.preventDefault(); b.close() }), a.arrows && 1 < b.group.length && ((a.loop || 0 < a.index) && f(a.tpl.prev).appendTo(b.outer).bind("click.fb", b.prev), (a.loop || a.index < b.group.length - 1) && f(a.tpl.next).appendTo(b.outer).bind("click.fb", b.next)), b.trigger("afterShow"), !a.loop && a.index === a.group.length - 1 ? b.play(!1) : b.opts.autoPlay && !b.player.isActive && (b.opts.autoPlay = !1, b.play())) }, _afterZoomOut: function (a) { a = a || b.current; f(".fancybox-wrap").trigger("onReset").remove(); f.extend(b, { group: {}, opts: {}, router: !1, current: null, isActive: !1, isOpened: !1, isOpen: !1, isClosing: !1, wrap: null, skin: null, outer: null, inner: null }); b.trigger("afterClose", a) } }); b.transitions = { getOrigPosition: function () { var a = b.current, d = a.element, e = a.orig, c = {}, f = 50, g = 50, h = a.hPadding, j = a.wPadding, m = b.getViewport(); !e && (a.isDom && d.is(":visible")) && (e = d.find("img:first"), e.length || (e = d)); t(e) ? (c = e.offset(), e.is("img") && (f = e.outerWidth(), g = e.outerHeight())) : (c.top = m.y + (m.h - g) * a.topRatio, c.left = m.x + (m.w - f) * a.leftRatio); if ("fixed" === b.wrap.css("position") || a.locked) c.top -= m.y, c.left -= m.x; return c = { top: x(c.top - h * a.topRatio), left: x(c.left - j * a.leftRatio), width: x(f + j), height: x(g + h) } }, step: function (a, d) { var e, c, f = d.prop; c = b.current; var g = c.wrapSpace, h = c.skinSpace; if ("width" === f || "height" === f) e = d.end === d.start ? 1 : (a - d.start) / (d.end - d.start), b.isClosing && (e = 1 - e), c = "width" === f ? c.wPadding : c.hPadding, c = a - c, b.skin[f](l("width" === f ? c : c - g * e)), b.inner[f](l("width" === f ? c : c - g * e - h * e)) }, zoomIn: function () { var a = b.current, d = a.pos, e = a.openEffect, c = "elastic" === e, k = f.extend({ opacity: 1 }, d); delete k.position; c ? (d = this.getOrigPosition(), a.openOpacity && (d.opacity = 0.1)) : "fade" === e && (d.opacity = 0.1); b.wrap.css(d).animate(k, { duration: "none" === e ? 0 : a.openSpeed, easing: a.openEasing, step: c ? this.step : null, complete: b._afterZoomIn }) }, zoomOut: function () { var a = b.current, d = a.closeEffect, e = "elastic" === d, c = { opacity: 0.1 }; e && (c = this.getOrigPosition(), a.closeOpacity && (c.opacity = 0.1)); b.wrap.animate(c, { duration: "none" === d ? 0 : a.closeSpeed, easing: a.closeEasing, step: e ? this.step : null, complete: b._afterZoomOut }) }, changeIn: function () { var a = b.current, d = a.nextEffect, e = a.pos, c = { opacity: 1 }, f = b.direction, g; e.opacity = 0.1; "elastic" === d && (g = "down" === f || "up" === f ? "top" : "left", "down" === f || "right" === f ? (e[g] = x(l(e[g]) - 200), c[g] = "+=200px") : (e[g] = x(l(e[g]) + 200), c[g] = "-=200px")); "none" === d ? b._afterZoomIn() : b.wrap.css(e).animate(c, { duration: a.nextSpeed, easing: a.nextEasing, complete: b._afterZoomIn }) }, changeOut: function () { var a = b.previous, d = a.prevEffect, e = { opacity: 0.1 }, c = b.direction; "elastic" === d && (e["down" === c || "up" === c ? "top" : "left"] = ("up" === c || "left" === c ? "-" : "+") + "=200px"); a.wrap.animate(e, { duration: "none" === d ? 0 : a.prevSpeed, easing: a.prevEasing, complete: function () { f(this).trigger("onReset").remove() } }) } }; b.helpers.overlay = { defaults: { closeClick: !0, speedOut: 200, showEarly: !0, css: {}, locked: !s, fixed: !0 }, overlay: null, fixed: !1, create: function (a) { a = f.extend({}, this.defaults, a); this.overlay && this.close(); this.overlay = f('
    ').appendTo("body"); this.fixed = !1; a.fixed && b.defaults.fixed && (this.overlay.addClass("fancybox-overlay-fixed"), this.fixed = !0) }, open: function (a) { var d = this; a = f.extend({}, this.defaults, a); this.overlay ? this.overlay.unbind(".overlay").width("auto").height("auto") : this.create(a); this.fixed || (q.bind("resize.overlay", f.proxy(this.update, this)), this.update()); a.closeClick && this.overlay.bind("click.overlay", function (a) { f(a.target).hasClass("fancybox-overlay") && (b.isActive ? b.close() : d.close()) }); this.overlay.css(a.css).show() }, close: function () { f(".fancybox-overlay").remove(); q.unbind("resize.overlay"); this.overlay = null; !1 !== this.margin && (f("body").css("margin-right", this.margin), this.margin = !1); this.el && this.el.removeClass("fancybox-lock") }, update: function () { var a = "100%", b; this.overlay.width(a).height("100%"); H ? (b = Math.max(z.documentElement.offsetWidth, z.body.offsetWidth), n.width() > b && (a = n.width())) : n.width() > q.width() && (a = n.width()); this.overlay.width(a).height(n.height()) }, onReady: function (a, b) { f(".fancybox-overlay").stop(!0, !0); this.overlay || (this.margin = n.height() > q.height() || "scroll" === f("body").css("overflow-y") ? f("body").css("margin-right") : !1, this.el = z.all && !z.querySelector ? f("html") : f("body"), this.create(a)); a.locked && this.fixed && (b.locked = this.overlay.append(b.wrap), b.fixed = !1); !0 === a.showEarly && this.beforeShow.apply(this, arguments) }, beforeShow: function (a, b) { b.locked && (this.el.addClass("fancybox-lock"), !1 !== this.margin && f("body").css("margin-right", l(this.margin) + b.scrollbarWidth)); this.open(a) }, onUpdate: function () { this.fixed || this.update() }, afterClose: function (a) { this.overlay && !b.isActive && this.overlay.fadeOut(a.speedOut, f.proxy(this.close, this)) } }; b.helpers.title = { defaults: { type: "float", position: "bottom" }, beforeShow: function (a) { var d = b.current, e = d.title, c = a.type; f.isFunction(e) && (e = e.call(d.element, d)); if (p(e) && "" !== f.trim(e)) { d = f('
    ' + e + "
    "); switch (c) { case "inside": c = b.skin; break; case "outside": c = b.wrap; break; case "over": c = b.inner; break; default: c = b.skin, d.appendTo("body"), H && d.width(d.width()), d.wrapInner(''), b.current.margin[2] += Math.abs(l(d.css("margin-bottom"))) } d["top" === a.position ? "prependTo" : "appendTo"](c) } } }; f.fn.fancybox = function (a) { var d, e = f(this), c = this.selector || "", k = function (g) { var h = f(this).blur(), j = d, k, l; !g.ctrlKey && (!g.altKey && !g.shiftKey && !g.metaKey) && !h.is(".fancybox-wrap") && (k = a.groupAttr || "data-fancybox-group", l = h.attr(k), l || (k = "rel", l = h.get(0)[k]), l && ("" !== l && "nofollow" !== l) && (h = c.length ? f(c) : e, h = h.filter("[" + k + '="' + l + '"]'), j = h.index(this)), a.index = j, !1 !== b.open(h, a) && g.preventDefault()) }; a = a || {}; d = a.index || 0; !c || !1 === a.live ? e.unbind("click.fb-start").bind("click.fb-start", k) : n.undelegate(c, "click.fb-start").delegate(c + ":not('.fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav')", "click.fb-start", k); this.filter("[data-fancybox-start=1]").trigger("click"); return this }; n.ready(function () { f.scrollbarWidth === r && (f.scrollbarWidth = function () { var a = f('
    ').appendTo("body"), b = a.children(), b = b.innerWidth() - b.height(99).innerWidth(); a.remove(); return b }); if (f.support.fixedPosition === r) { var a = f.support, d = f('
    ').appendTo("body"), e = 20 === d[0].offsetTop || 15 === d[0].offsetTop; d.remove(); a.fixedPosition = e } f.extend(b.defaults, { scrollbarWidth: f.scrollbarWidth(), fixed: f.support.fixedPosition, parent: f("body") }) }) })(window, document, jQuery); /** * jQuery lightBox plugin * This jQuery plugin was inspired and based on Lightbox 2 by Lokesh Dhakar (http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/) * and adapted to me for use like a plugin from jQuery. * @name jquery-lightbox-0.5.js * @author Leandro Vieira Pinho - http://leandrovieira.com * @version 0.5 * @date April 11, 2008 * @category jQuery plugin * @copyright (c) 2008 Leandro Vieira Pinho (leandrovieira.com) * @license CCAttribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Brazil - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/br/deed.en_US * @example Visit http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/ for more informations about this jQuery plugin 图片点击放大 */ (function ($) { $.fn.lightBox = function (settings) { settings = jQuery.extend({ overlayBgColor: '#000', overlayOpacity: 0.8, fixedNavigation: false, imageLoading: '/images/lightbox-ico-loading.gif', imageBtnPrev: '/images/lightbox-btn-prev.gif', imageBtnNext: '/images/lightbox-btn-next.gif', imageBtnClose: '/images/lightbox-btn-close.gif', imageBlank: '/images/lightbox-blank.gif', containerBorderSize: 10, containerResizeSpeed: 400, txtImage: 'Image', txtOf: 'of', keyToClose: 'c', keyToPrev: 'p', keyToNext: 'n', imageArray: [], activeImage: 0 }, settings); var jQueryMatchedObj = this; function _initialize() { _start(this, jQueryMatchedObj); return false; } function _start(objClicked, jQueryMatchedObj) { $('embed, object, select').css({ 'visibility': 'hidden' }); _set_interface(); settings.imageArray.length = 0; settings.activeImage = 0; if (jQueryMatchedObj.length == 1) { settings.imageArray.push(new Array(objClicked.getAttribute('href'), objClicked.getAttribute('title'))); } else { for (var i = 0; i < jQueryMatchedObj.length; i++) { settings.imageArray.push(new Array(jQueryMatchedObj[i].getAttribute('href'), jQueryMatchedObj[i].getAttribute('title'))); } } while (settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage][0] != objClicked.getAttribute('href')) { settings.activeImage++; } _set_image_to_view(); } function _set_interface() { $('body').append('
    '); var arrPageSizes = ___getPageSize(); $('#jquery-overlay').css({ backgroundColor: settings.overlayBgColor, opacity: settings.overlayOpacity, width: arrPageSizes[0], height: arrPageSizes[1] }).fadeIn(); var arrPageScroll = ___getPageScroll(); $('#jquery-lightbox').css({ top: arrPageScroll[1] + (arrPageSizes[3] / 10), left: arrPageScroll[0] }).show(); $('#jquery-overlay,#jquery-lightbox').click(function () { _finish(); }); $('#lightbox-loading-link,#lightbox-secNav-btnClose').click(function () { _finish(); return false; }); $(window).resize(function () { var arrPageSizes = ___getPageSize(); $('#jquery-overlay').css({ width: arrPageSizes[0], height: arrPageSizes[1] }); var arrPageScroll = ___getPageScroll(); $('#jquery-lightbox').css({ top: arrPageScroll[1] + (arrPageSizes[3] / 10), left: arrPageScroll[0] }); }); } function _set_image_to_view() { $('#lightbox-loading').show(); if (settings.fixedNavigation) { $('#lightbox-image,#lightbox-container-image-data-box,#lightbox-image-details-currentNumber').hide(); } else { $('#lightbox-image,#lightbox-nav,#lightbox-nav-btnPrev,#lightbox-nav-btnNext,#lightbox-container-image-data-box,#lightbox-image-details-currentNumber').hide(); } var objImagePreloader = new Image(); objImagePreloader.onload = function () { $('#lightbox-image').attr('src', settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage][0]); _resize_container_image_box(objImagePreloader.width, objImagePreloader.height); objImagePreloader.onload = function () { }; }; objImagePreloader.src = settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage][0]; }; function _resize_container_image_box(intImageWidth, intImageHeight) { var intCurrentWidth = $('#lightbox-container-image-box').width(); var intCurrentHeight = $('#lightbox-container-image-box').height(); var intWidth = (intImageWidth + (settings.containerBorderSize * 2)); var intHeight = (intImageHeight + (settings.containerBorderSize * 2)); var intDiffW = intCurrentWidth - intWidth; var intDiffH = intCurrentHeight - intHeight; $('#lightbox-container-image-box').animate({ width: intWidth, height: intHeight }, settings.containerResizeSpeed, function () { _show_image(); }); if ((intDiffW == 0) && (intDiffH == 0)) { if ($.browser.msie) { ___pause(250); } else { ___pause(100); } } $('#lightbox-container-image-data-box').css({ width: intImageWidth }); $('#lightbox-nav-btnPrev,#lightbox-nav-btnNext').css({ height: intImageHeight + (settings.containerBorderSize * 2) }); }; function _show_image() { $('#lightbox-loading').hide(); $('#lightbox-image').fadeIn(function () { _show_image_data(); _set_navigation(); }); _preload_neighbor_images(); }; function _show_image_data() { $('#lightbox-container-image-data-box').slideDown('fast'); $('#lightbox-image-details-caption').hide(); if (settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage][1]) { $('#lightbox-image-details-caption').html(settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage][1]).show(); } if (settings.imageArray.length > 1) { $('#lightbox-image-details-currentNumber').html(settings.txtImage + ' ' + (settings.activeImage + 1) + ' ' + settings.txtOf + ' ' + settings.imageArray.length).show(); } } function _set_navigation() { $('#lightbox-nav').show(); $('#lightbox-nav-btnPrev,#lightbox-nav-btnNext').css({ 'background': 'transparent url(' + settings.imageBlank + ') no-repeat' }); if (settings.activeImage != 0) { if (settings.fixedNavigation) { $('#lightbox-nav-btnPrev').css({ 'background': 'url(' + settings.imageBtnPrev + ') left 15% no-repeat' }).unbind().bind('click', function () { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage - 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } else { $('#lightbox-nav-btnPrev').unbind().hover(function () { $(this).css({ 'background': 'url(' + settings.imageBtnPrev + ') left 15% no-repeat' }); }, function () { $(this).css({ 'background': 'transparent url(' + settings.imageBlank + ') no-repeat' }); }).show().bind('click', function () { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage - 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } } if (settings.activeImage != (settings.imageArray.length - 1)) { if (settings.fixedNavigation) { $('#lightbox-nav-btnNext').css({ 'background': 'url(' + settings.imageBtnNext + ') right 15% no-repeat' }).unbind().bind('click', function () { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage + 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } else { $('#lightbox-nav-btnNext').unbind().hover(function () { $(this).css({ 'background': 'url(' + settings.imageBtnNext + ') right 15% no-repeat' }); }, function () { $(this).css({ 'background': 'transparent url(' + settings.imageBlank + ') no-repeat' }); }).show().bind('click', function () { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage + 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } } _enable_keyboard_navigation(); } function _enable_keyboard_navigation() { $(document).keydown(function (objEvent) { _keyboard_action(objEvent); }); } function _disable_keyboard_navigation() { $(document).unbind(); } function _keyboard_action(objEvent) { if (objEvent == null) { keycode = event.keyCode; escapeKey = 27; } else { keycode = objEvent.keyCode; escapeKey = objEvent.DOM_VK_ESCAPE; } key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase(); if ((key == settings.keyToClose) || (key == 'x') || (keycode == escapeKey)) { _finish(); } if ((key == settings.keyToPrev) || (keycode == 37)) { if (settings.activeImage != 0) { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage - 1; _set_image_to_view(); _disable_keyboard_navigation(); } } if ((key == settings.keyToNext) || (keycode == 39)) { if (settings.activeImage != (settings.imageArray.length - 1)) { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage + 1; _set_image_to_view(); _disable_keyboard_navigation(); } } } function _preload_neighbor_images() { if ((settings.imageArray.length - 1) > settings.activeImage) { objNext = new Image(); objNext.src = settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage + 1][0]; } if (settings.activeImage > 0) { objPrev = new Image(); objPrev.src = settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage - 1][0]; } } function _finish() { $('#jquery-lightbox').remove(); $('#jquery-overlay').fadeOut(function () { $('#jquery-overlay').remove(); }); $('embed, object, select').css({ 'visibility': 'visible' }); } function ___getPageSize() { var xScroll, yScroll; if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) { xScroll = window.innerWidth + window.scrollMaxX; yScroll = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY; } else if (document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight) { xScroll = document.body.scrollWidth; 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xScroll = self.pageXOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { yScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop; xScroll = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } else if (document.body) { yScroll = document.body.scrollTop; xScroll = document.body.scrollLeft; } arrayPageScroll = new Array(xScroll, yScroll); return arrayPageScroll; }; function ___pause(ms) { var date = new Date(); curDate = null; do { var curDate = new Date(); } while (curDate - date < ms); }; return this.unbind('click').click(_initialize); }; })(jQuery); /* * Slides, A Slideshow Plugin for jQuery * Intructions: http://slidesjs.com * By: Nathan Searles, http://nathansearles.com * Version: 1.1.8 * Updated: June 1st, 2011 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. 产品内页集锦切图 */ (function (A) { A.fn.slides = function (B) { B = A.extend({}, A.fn.slides.option, B); return this.each(function () { A("." + B.container, A(this)).children().wrapAll('
    '); var V = A(this), J = A(".slides_control", V), Z = J.children().size(), Q = J.children().outerWidth(), M = J.children().outerHeight(), D = B.start - 1, L = B.effect.indexOf(",") < 0 ? B.effect : B.effect.replace(" ", "").split(",")[0], S = B.effect.indexOf(",") < 0 ? L : B.effect.replace(" ", "").split(",")[1], O = 0, N = 0, C = 0, P = 0, U, H, I, X, W, T, K, F; function E(c, b, a) { if (!H && U) { H = true; B.animationStart(P + 1); switch (c) { case "next": N = P; O = P + 1; O = Z === O ? 0 : O; X = Q * 2; c = -Q * 2; P = O; break; case "prev": N = P; O = P - 1; O = O === -1 ? Z - 1 : O; X = 0; c = 0; P = O; break; case "pagination": O = parseInt(a, 10); N = A("." + B.paginationClass + " li." + B.currentClass + " a", V).attr("href").match("[^#/]+$"); if (O > N) { X = Q * 2; c = -Q * 2; } else { X = 0; c = 0; } P = O; break; } if (b === "fade") { if (B.crossfade) { J.children(":eq(" + O + ")", V).css({ zIndex: 10 }).fadeIn(B.fadeSpeed, B.fadeEasing, function () { if (B.autoHeight) { J.animate({ height: J.children(":eq(" + O + ")", V).outerHeight() }, B.autoHeightSpeed, function () { J.children(":eq(" + N + ")", V).css({ display: "none", zIndex: 0 }); J.children(":eq(" + O + ")", V).css({ zIndex: 0 }); B.animationComplete(O + 1); H = false; }); } else { J.children(":eq(" + N + ")", V).css({ display: "none", zIndex: 0 }); J.children(":eq(" + O + ")", V).css({ zIndex: 0 }); B.animationComplete(O + 1); H = false; } }); } else { J.children(":eq(" + N + ")", V).fadeOut(B.fadeSpeed, B.fadeEasing, function () { if (B.autoHeight) { J.animate({ height: J.children(":eq(" + O + ")", V).outerHeight() }, B.autoHeightSpeed, function () { J.children(":eq(" + O + ")", V).fadeIn(B.fadeSpeed, B.fadeEasing); }); } else { J.children(":eq(" + O + ")", V).fadeIn(B.fadeSpeed, B.fadeEasing, function () { if (A.browser.msie) { A(this).get(0).style.removeAttribute("filter"); } }); } B.animationComplete(O + 1); H = false; }); } } else { J.children(":eq(" + O + ")").css({ left: X, display: "block" }); if (B.autoHeight) { J.animate({ left: c, height: J.children(":eq(" + O + ")").outerHeight() }, B.slideSpeed, B.slideEasing, function () { J.css({ left: -Q }); J.children(":eq(" + O + ")").css({ left: Q, zIndex: 5 }); J.children(":eq(" + N + ")").css({ left: Q, display: "none", zIndex: 0 }); B.animationComplete(O + 1); H = false; }); } else { J.animate({ left: c }, B.slideSpeed, B.slideEasing, function () { J.css({ left: -Q }); J.children(":eq(" + O + ")").css({ left: Q, zIndex: 5 }); J.children(":eq(" + N + ")").css({ left: Q, display: "none", zIndex: 0 }); B.animationComplete(O + 1); H = false; }); } } if (B.pagination) { A("." + B.paginationClass + " li." + B.currentClass, V).removeClass(B.currentClass); A("." + B.paginationClass + " li:eq(" + O + ")", V).addClass(B.currentClass); } } } function R() { clearInterval(V.data("interval")); } function G() { if (B.pause) { clearTimeout(V.data("pause")); clearInterval(V.data("interval")); K = setTimeout(function () { clearTimeout(V.data("pause")); F = setInterval(function () { E("next", L); }, B.play); V.data("interval", F); }, B.pause); V.data("pause", K); } else { R(); } } if (Z < 2) { return; } if (D < 0) { D = 0; } if (D > Z) { D = Z - 1; } if (B.start) { P = D; } if (B.randomize) { J.randomize(); } A("." + B.container, V).css({ overflow: "hidden", position: "relative" }); J.children().css({ position: "absolute", top: 0, left: J.children().outerWidth(), zIndex: 0, display: "none" }); J.css({ position: "relative", width: (Q * 3), height: M, left: -Q }); A("." + B.container, V).css({ display: "block" }); if (B.autoHeight) { J.children().css({ height: "auto" }); J.animate({ height: J.children(":eq(" + D + ")").outerHeight() }, B.autoHeightSpeed); } if (B.preload && J.find("img:eq(" + D + ")").length) { A("." + B.container, V).css({ background: "url(" + B.preloadImage + ") no-repeat 50% 50%" }); var Y = J.find("img:eq(" + D + ")").attr("src") + "?" + (new Date()).getTime(); if (A("img", V).parent().attr("class") != "slides_control") { T = J.children(":eq(0)")[0].tagName.toLowerCase(); } else { T = J.find("img:eq(" + D + ")"); } J.find("img:eq(" + D + ")").attr("src", Y).load(function () { J.find(T + ":eq(" + D + ")").fadeIn(B.fadeSpeed, B.fadeEasing, function () { A(this).css({ zIndex: 5 }); A("." + B.container, V).css({ background: "" }); U = true; B.slidesLoaded(); }); }); } else { J.children(":eq(" + D + ")").fadeIn(B.fadeSpeed, B.fadeEasing, function () { U = true; B.slidesLoaded(); }); } if (B.bigTarget) { J.children().css({ cursor: "pointer" }); J.children().click(function () { E("next", L); return false; }); } if (B.hoverPause && B.play) { J.bind("mouseover", function () { R(); }); J.bind("mouseleave", function () { G(); }); } if (B.generateNextPrev) { A("." + B.container, V).after('Prev'); A("." + B.prev, V).after('Next'); } A("." + B.next, V).click(function (a) { a.preventDefault(); if (B.play) { G(); } E("next", L); }); A("." + B.prev, V).click(function (a) { a.preventDefault(); if (B.play) { G(); } E("prev", L); }); if (B.generatePagination) { if (B.prependPagination) { V.prepend("
      "); } else { V.append("
        "); } J.children().each(function () { A("." + B.paginationClass, V).append('
      • ' + (C + 1) + "
      • "); C++; }); } else { A("." + B.paginationClass + " li a", V).each(function () { A(this).attr("href", "#" + C); C++; }); } A("." + B.paginationClass + " li:eq(" + D + ")", V).addClass(B.currentClass); A("." + B.paginationClass + " li a", V).click(function () { if (B.play) { G(); } I = A(this).attr("href").match("[^#/]+$"); if (P != I) { E("pagination", S, I); } return false; }); A("a.link", V).click(function () { if (B.play) { G(); } I = A(this).attr("href").match("[^#/]+$") - 1; if (P != I) { E("pagination", S, I); } return false; }); if (B.play) { F = setInterval(function () { E("next", L); }, B.play); V.data("interval", F); } }); }; A.fn.slides.option = { preload: false, preloadImage: "/img/loading.gif", container: "slides_container", generateNextPrev: false, next: "next", prev: "prev", pagination: true, generatePagination: true, prependPagination: false, paginationClass: "pagination", currentClass: "current", fadeSpeed: 350, fadeEasing: "", slideSpeed: 350, slideEasing: "", start: 1, effect: "slide", crossfade: false, randomize: false, play: 0, pause: 0, hoverPause: false, autoHeight: false, autoHeightSpeed: 350, bigTarget: false, animationStart: function () { }, animationComplete: function () { }, slidesLoaded: function () { } }; A.fn.randomize = function (C) { function B() { return (Math.round(Math.random()) - 0.5); } return (A(this).each(function () { var F = A(this); var E = F.children(); var D = E.length; if (D > 1) { E.hide(); var G = []; for (i = 0; i < D; i++) { G[G.length] = i; } G = G.sort(B); A.each(G, function (I, H) { var K = E.eq(H); var J = K.clone(true); J.show().appendTo(F); if (C !== undefined) { C(K, J); } K.remove(); }); } })); }; })(jQuery); /** * Copyright (c) 2012 Anders Ekdahl (http://coffeescripter.com/) * Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.htmp) * and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.htmp) licenses. * * Version: 1.2.7 * * Demo and documentation: http://coffeescripter.com/code/ad-gallery/ 内页弹出窗口内的图片集锦 */ (function ($) { $.fn.adGallery = function (options) { var defaults = { loader_image: 'loader.gif', start_at_index: 0, update_window_hash: true, description_wrapper: false, thumb_opacity: 0.7, animate_first_image: false, animation_speed: 400, width: false, height: false, display_next_and_prev: true, display_back_and_forward: true, scroll_jump: 0, slideshow: { enable: true, autostart: false, speed: 5000, start_label: 'Start', stop_label: 'Stop', stop_on_scroll: true, countdown_prefix: '(', countdown_sufix: ')', onStart: false, onStop: false }, effect: 'slide-hori', enable_keyboard_move: true, cycle: true, hooks: { displayDescription: false }, callbacks: { init: false, afterImageVisible: false, beforeImageVisible: false } }; var settings = $.extend(false, defaults, options); if (options && options.slideshow) { settings.slideshow = $.extend(false, defaults.slideshow, options.slideshow); }; if (!settings.slideshow.enable) { settings.slideshow.autostart = false; }; var galleries = []; $(this).each(function () { var gallery = new AdGallery(this, settings); galleries[galleries.length] = gallery; }); return galleries; }; function VerticalSlideAnimation(img_container, direction, desc) { var current_top = parseInt(img_container.css('top'), 10); if (direction == 'left') { var old_image_top = '-' + this.image_wrapper_height + 'px'; img_container.css('top', this.image_wrapper_height + 'px'); } else { var old_image_top = this.image_wrapper_height + 'px'; img_container.css('top', '-' + this.image_wrapper_height + 'px'); }; if (desc) { desc.css('bottom', '-' + desc[0].offsetHeight + 'px'); desc.animate({ bottom: 0 }, this.settings.animation_speed * 2); }; if (this.current_description) { this.current_description.animate({ bottom: '-' + this.current_description[0].offsetHeight + 'px' }, this.settings.animation_speed * 2); }; return { old_image: { top: old_image_top }, new_image: { top: current_top } }; }; function HorizontalSlideAnimation(img_container, direction, desc) { var current_left = parseInt(img_container.css('left'), 10); if (direction == 'left') { var old_image_left = '-' + this.image_wrapper_width + 'px'; img_container.css('left', this.image_wrapper_width + 'px'); } else { var old_image_left = this.image_wrapper_width + 'px'; img_container.css('left', '-' + this.image_wrapper_width + 'px'); }; if (desc) { desc.css('bottom', '-' + desc[0].offsetHeight + 'px'); desc.animate({ bottom: 0 }, this.settings.animation_speed * 2); }; if (this.current_description) { this.current_description.animate({ bottom: '-' + this.current_description[0].offsetHeight + 'px' }, this.settings.animation_speed * 2); }; return { old_image: { left: old_image_left }, new_image: { left: current_left } }; }; function ResizeAnimation(img_container, direction, desc) { var image_width = img_container.width(); var image_height = img_container.height(); var current_left = parseInt(img_container.css('left'), 10); var current_top = parseInt(img_container.css('top'), 10); img_container.css({ width: 0, height: 0, top: this.image_wrapper_height / 2, left: this.image_wrapper_width / 2 }); return { old_image: { width: 0, height: 0, top: this.image_wrapper_height / 2, left: this.image_wrapper_width / 2 }, new_image: { width: image_width, height: image_height, top: current_top, left: current_left } }; }; function FadeAnimation(img_container, direction, desc) { img_container.css('opacity', 0); return { old_image: { opacity: 0 }, new_image: { opacity: 1 } }; }; function NoneAnimation(img_container, direction, desc) { img_container.css('opacity', 0); return { old_image: { opacity: 0 }, new_image: { opacity: 1 }, speed: 0 }; }; function AdGallery(wrapper, settings) { this.init(wrapper, settings); }; AdGallery.prototype = { wrapper: false, image_wrapper: false, gallery_info: false, nav: false, loader: false, preloads: false, thumbs_wrapper: false, thumbs_wrapper_width: 0, scroll_back: false, scroll_forward: false, next_link: false, prev_link: false, slideshow: false, image_wrapper_width: 0, image_wrapper_height: 0, current_index: -1, current_image: false, current_description: false, nav_display_width: 0, settings: false, images: false, in_transition: false, animations: false, init: function (wrapper, settings) { var context = this; this.wrapper = $(wrapper); this.settings = settings; this.setupElements(); this.setupAnimations(); if (this.settings.width) { this.image_wrapper_width = this.settings.width; this.image_wrapper.width(this.settings.width); this.wrapper.width(this.settings.width); } else { this.image_wrapper_width = this.image_wrapper.width(); }; if (this.settings.height) { this.image_wrapper_height = this.settings.height; this.image_wrapper.height(this.settings.height); } else { this.image_wrapper_height = this.image_wrapper.height(); }; this.nav_display_width = this.nav.width(); this.current_index = -1; this.current_image = false; this.current_description = false; this.in_transition = false; this.findImages(); if (this.settings.display_next_and_prev) { this.initNextAndPrev(); }; var nextimage_callback = function (callback) { return context.nextImage(callback); }; this.slideshow = new AdGallerySlideshow(nextimage_callback, this.settings.slideshow); this.controls.append(this.slideshow.create()); if (this.settings.slideshow.enable) { this.slideshow.enable(); 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      • ' + '' + description + '' + '
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this._centerImage(img_container, size.width, size.height); var desc = this._getDescription(image); if (desc) { if (!this.settings.description_wrapper && !this.settings.hooks.displayDescription) { img_container.append(desc); var width = size.width - parseInt(desc.css('padding-left'), 10) - parseInt(desc.css('padding-right'), 10); desc.css('width', width + 'px'); } else if (this.settings.hooks.displayDescription) { this.settings.hooks.displayDescription.call(this, image); } else { var wrapper = this.settings.description_wrapper; wrapper.append(desc); }; }; this.highLightThumb(this.images[index].thumb_link); var direction = 'right'; if (this.current_index < index) { direction = 'left'; }; this.fireCallback(this.settings.callbacks.beforeImageVisible); if (this.current_image || this.settings.animate_first_image) { var animation_speed = this.settings.animation_speed; var easing = 'swing'; var animation = this.animations[this.settings.effect].call(this, img_container, direction, desc); if (typeof animation.speed != 'undefined') { animation_speed = animation.speed; 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scrollobj.parent().width() : scrollobj.parent().height());//length of the wrapper visible; var scrollunits = scrollobj.find("li");//units to move; var unitlen = settings.unitlen || (settings.dir == "H" ? scrollunits.eq(0).outerWidth() : scrollunits.eq(0).outerHeight()); var unitdisplayed = settings.unitdisplayed;//units num displayed; var nowlength = settings.nowlength || scrollunits.length * unitlen;//length of the scrollobj; var offset = 0; var sn = 0; var movelength = unitlen * settings.movelength; var moving = false;//moving now?; var btnright = $(this).find("a.aright"); var btnleft = $(this).find("a.aleft"); if (settings.dir == "H") { scrollobj.css("left", "0px"); } else { scrollobj.css("top", "0px"); } if (nowlength > maxlength) { btnleft.addClass("agrayleft"); btnright.removeClass("agrayright"); offset = nowlength - maxlength; } else { btnleft.addClass("agrayleft"); btnright.addClass("agrayright"); } btnleft.click(function () { if ($(this).is("[class*='agrayleft']")) { return false; } if (!moving) { moving = true; sn -= movelength; if (sn > unitlen * unitdisplayed - maxlength) { jQuery.fn.xslider.scroll(scrollobj, -sn, settings.dir, function () { moving = false; }); } else { jQuery.fn.xslider.scroll(scrollobj, 0, settings.dir, function () { moving = false; }); sn = 0; $(this).addClass("agrayleft"); } btnright.removeClass("agrayright"); } return false; }); btnright.click(function () { if ($(this).is("[class*='agrayright']")) { return false; } if (!moving) { moving = true; sn += movelength; if (sn < offset - (unitlen * unitdisplayed - maxlength)) { jQuery.fn.xslider.scroll(scrollobj, -sn, settings.dir, function () { moving = false; }); } else { jQuery.fn.xslider.scroll(scrollobj, -offset, settings.dir, function () { moving = false; });//滚动到最后一个位置; sn = offset; $(this).addClass("agrayright"); } btnleft.removeClass("agrayleft"); } return false; }); if (settings.autoscroll) { jQuery.fn.xslider.autoscroll($(this), settings.autoscroll); } }) } })(jQuery); jQuery.fn.xslider.defaults = { maxlength: 0, scrollobj: null, unitlen: 0, nowlength: 0, dir: "H", autoscroll: null }; jQuery.fn.xslider.scroll = function (obj, w, dir, callback) { if (dir == "H") { obj.animate({ left: w }, 500, "easeInSine", callback); } else { obj.animate({ top: w }, 500, "easeInSine", callback); } } jQuery.fn.xslider.autoscroll = function (obj, time) { var vane = "right"; function autoscrolling() { if (vane == "right") { if (!obj.find("a.agrayright").length) { obj.find("a.aright").trigger("click"); } else { vane = "left"; } } if (vane == "left") { if (!obj.find("a.agrayleft").length) { obj.find("a.aleft").trigger("click"); } else { vane = "right"; } } } var scrollTimmer = setInterval(autoscrolling, time); obj.hover(function () { clearInterval(scrollTimmer); }, function () { scrollTimmer = setInterval(autoscrolling, time); }); } /*首页图片logo*/ $(function () { $("#wx").hover(function () { $(".wcode").toggle(); }); $(".proshow li").hover(function () { $(this).find(".filter").css({ "opacity": "0" }).show().animate({ "opacity": "0.4" }); $(this).find(".txt").css({ "opacity": "0" }).show().animate({ "opacity": "1" }) }, function () { $(this).find(".filter").fadeOut(); $(this).find(".txt").fadeOut() }); }); $(function () { $("#wx").hover(function () { $(".wcode").toggle(); }); $(".proshowa li").hover(function () { $(this).find(".filter").css({ "opacity": "0" }).show().animate({ "opacity": "0.4" }); $(this).find(".txt").css({ "opacity": "0" }).show().animate({ "opacity": "1" }) }, function () { $(this).find(".filter").fadeOut(); $(this).find(".txt").fadeOut() }); }); //************************************************************** // jQZoom allows you to realize a small magnifier window,close // to the image or images on your web page easily. // // jqZoom version 2.1 // Author Doc. Ing. Renzi Marco(www.mind-projects.it) // First Release on Dec 05 2007 // i'm searching for a job,pick me up!!! // mail: renzi.mrc@gmail.com //************************************************************** (function ($) { $.fn.jqueryzoom = function (options) { var settings = { xzoom: 200,//zoomed width default width yzoom: 200,//zoomed div default width offset: 10, //zoomed div default offset position: "right",//zoomed div default position,offset position is to the right of the image lens: 1, //zooming lens over the image,by default is 1; preload: 1 }; if (options) { $.extend(settings, options); } var noalt = ''; $(this).hover(function () { var imageLeft = this.offsetLeft; var imageRight = this.offsetRight; var imageTop = $(this).get(0).offsetTop; var imageWidth = $(this).children('img').get(0).offsetWidth; var imageHeight = $(this).children('img').get(0).offsetHeight; noalt = $(this).children("img").attr("alt"); var bigimage = $(this).children("img").attr("jqimg"); $(this).children("img").attr("alt", ''); if ($("div.zoomdiv").get().length == 0) { $(this).after("
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(imageWidth - $("div.jqZoomPup").width() - 2) : xpos; ypos = (mouse.y - $("div.jqZoomPup").height() / 2 < imageTop) ? 0 : (mouse.y + $("div.jqZoomPup").height() / 2 > imageHeight + imageTop) ? (imageHeight - $("div.jqZoomPup").height() - 2) : ypos; } if (settings.lens) { $("div.jqZoomPup").css({ top: ypos, left: xpos }); } scrolly = ypos; $("div.zoomdiv").get(0).scrollTop = scrolly * scaley; scrollx = xpos; $("div.zoomdiv").get(0).scrollLeft = (scrollx) * scalex; }); }, function () { $(this).children("img").attr("alt", noalt); $(document.body).unbind("mousemove"); if (settings.lens) { $("div.jqZoomPup").remove(); } $("div.zoomdiv").remove(); }); count = 0; if (settings.preload) { $('body').append(""); $(this).each(function () { var imagetopreload = $(this).children("img").attr("jqimg"); var content = jQuery('div.jqPreload' + count + '').html(); jQuery('div.jqPreload' + count + '').html(content + ''); }); } } })(jQuery); function MouseEvent(e) { this.x = e.pageX this.y = e.pageY } //==================图片详细页函数===================== //鼠标经过预览图片函数 function preview(img) { //w:360px;h:270px; $("#preview .jqzoom img").attr("src", $(img).attr("src")); $("#preview .jqzoom img").attr("jqimg", $(img).attr("bimg")); var maxWidth = 360; var maxHeight = 270; var hRatio; var wRatio; var Ratio = 1; var w = $("#preview .jqzoom img").width(); var h = $("#preview .jqzoom img").height(); wRatio = maxWidth / w; hRatio = maxHeight / h; if (maxWidth == 0 && maxHeight == 0) { Ratio = 1; } else if (maxWidth == 0) {// if (hRatio < 1) Ratio = hRatio; } else if (maxHeight == 0) { if (wRatio < 1) Ratio = wRatio; } else if (wRatio < 1 || hRatio < 1) { Ratio = (wRatio <= hRatio ? wRatio : hRatio); } if (Ratio < 1) { w = w * Ratio; h = h * Ratio; } $("#preview .jqzoom img").height(h).width(w); var mh = maxHeight - h; var mw = maxWidth - w; if (mh > 2) { $("#preview").css("padding-top", mh / 2).height(maxHeight - mh / 2); } else { $("#preview").css("padding-top", 0).height(maxHeight); } if (mw > 2) { $("#preview").css("padding-left", mw / 2).width(maxWidth - mw / 2); } else { $("#preview").css("padding-left", 0).width(maxWidth); } } //图片放大镜效果 $(function () { $(".jqzoom").jqueryzoom({ xzoom: 350, yzoom: 310 }); }); //图片预览小图移动效果,页面加载时触发 $(function () { var tempLength = 0; //临时变量,当前移动的长度 var viewNum = 5; //设置每次显示图片的个数量 var moveNum = 2; //每次移动的数量 var moveTime = 300; //移动速度,毫秒 var scrollDiv = $(".spec-scroll .items ul"); //进行移动动画的容器 var scrollItems = $(".spec-scroll .items ul li"); //移动容器里的集合 var moveLength = scrollItems.eq(0).width() * moveNum; //计算每次移动的长度 var countLength = (scrollItems.length - viewNum) * scrollItems.eq(0).width(); //计算总长度,总个数*单个长度 //下一张 $(".spec-scroll .next").bind("click", function () { if (tempLength < countLength) { if ((countLength - tempLength) > moveLength) { scrollDiv.animate({ left: "-=" + moveLength + "px" }, moveTime); tempLength += moveLength; } else { scrollDiv.animate({ left: "-=" + (countLength - tempLength) + "px" }, moveTime); tempLength += (countLength - tempLength); } } }); //上一张 $(".spec-scroll .prev").bind("click", function () { if (tempLength > 0) { if (tempLength > moveLength) { scrollDiv.animate({ left: "+=" + moveLength + "px" }, moveTime); tempLength -= moveLength; } else { scrollDiv.animate({ left: "+=" + tempLength + "px" }, moveTime); tempLength = 0; } } }); }); //==================图片详细页函数===================== // tab function Pid(id, tag) { if (!tag) { return document.getElementById(id); } else { return document.getElementById(id).getElementsByTagName(tag); } } function tab(id, hx, box, iClass, s, pr) { var hxs = Pid(id, hx); var boxs = Pid(id, box); if (!iClass) { // 如果不指定class,则: boxsClass = boxs; // 直接使用box作为容器 } else { // 如果指定class,则: var boxsClass = []; for (i = 0; i < boxs.length; i++) { if (boxs[i].className.match(/\btab\b/)) {// 判断容器的class匹配 boxsClass.push(boxs[i]); } } } if (!pr) { // 如果不指定预展开容器,则: go_to(0); // 默认展开序列 yy(); } else { go_to(pr); yy(); } function yy() { for (var i = 0; i < hxs.length; i++) { hxs[i].temp = i; if (!s) {// 如果不指定事件,则: s = "onclick"; // 使用默认事件 hxs[i][s] = function () { go_to(this.temp); } } else { hxs[i][s] = function () { go_to(this.temp); } } } } function go_to(pr) { for (var i = 0; i < hxs.length; i++) { if (!hxs[i].tmpClass) { hxs[i].tmpClass = hxs[i].className += " "; boxsClass[i].tmpClass = boxsClass[i].className += " "; } if (pr == i) { hxs[i].className += " up"; // 展开状态:标题 boxsClass[i].className += " up"; // 展开状态:容器 } else { hxs[i].className = hxs[i].tmpClass; boxsClass[i].className = boxsClass[i].tmpClass; } } } } function Pid(id, tag) { if (!tag) { return document.getElementById(id); } else { return document.getElementById(id).getElementsByTagName(tag); } } function tab(id, hx, box, iClass, s, pr) { var hxs = Pid(id, hx); var boxs = Pid(id, box); if (!iClass) { // 如果不指定class,则: boxsClass = boxs; // 直接使用box作为容器 } else { // 如果指定class,则: var boxsClass = []; for (i = 0; i < boxs.length; i++) { if (boxs[i].className.match(/\btab\b/)) {// 判断容器的class匹配 boxsClass.push(boxs[i]); } } } if (!pr) { // 如果不指定预展开容器,则: go_to(0); // 默认展开序列 yy(); } else { go_to(pr); yy(); } function yy() { for (var i = 0; i < hxs.length; i++) { hxs[i].temp = i; if (!s) {// 如果不指定事件,则: s = "onmouseover"; // 使用默认事件 hxs[i][s] = function () { go_to(this.temp); } } else { hxs[i][s] = function () { go_to(this.temp); } } } } function go_to(pr) { for (var i = 0; i < hxs.length; i++) { if (!hxs[i].tmpClass) { hxs[i].tmpClass = hxs[i].className += " "; boxsClass[i].tmpClass = boxsClass[i].className += " "; } if (pr == i) { hxs[i].className += " up"; // 展开状态:标题 boxsClass[i].className += " up"; // 展开状态:容器 } else { hxs[i].className = hxs[i].tmpClass; boxsClass[i].className = boxsClass[i].tmpClass; } } } } /*nav 产品详细页切换*/ $(function () { tabChange("zntit", "click", "tithov") }); /*tab 产品详细页切换*/ function tabChange(optionClass, mouse, btnAddClass) { var $action = null; $('.' + optionClass).each(function (index) { var run = function () { if (btnAddClass != null) { $('.' + optionClass).removeClass(btnAddClass); $('.' + optionClass + (index + 1)).addClass(btnAddClass); } $('.' + optionClass + "_con").hide(); $('.' + optionClass + "_con" + (index + 1)).show(); }; if (mouse == "click") { $('.' + optionClass + (index + 1)).click(function () { run(); }); } if (mouse == "hover") { $('.' + optionClass + (index + 1)) .mouseover(function () { $action = setTimeout(run, 200); }) .mouseout(function () { clearTimeout($action); });; } }); } /*! 产品详细页flash SWFObject v2.0 Copyright (c) 2007 Geoff Stearns, Michael Williams, and Bobby van der Sluis This software is released under the MIT License */ var swfobject = function () { var UNDEF = "undefined", OBJECT = "object", SHOCKWAVE_FLASH = "Shockwave Flash", SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX = "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash", FLASH_MIME_TYPE = "application/x-shockwave-flash", EXPRESS_INSTALL_ID = "SWFObjectExprInst", win = window, doc = document, nav = navigator, domLoadFnArr = [], regObjArr = [], timer = null, storedAltContent = null, storedAltContentId = null, isDomLoaded = false, isExpressInstallActive = false; /* Centralized function for browser feature detection - Proprietary feature detection (conditional compiling) is used to detect Internet Explorer's features - User agent string detection is only used when no alternative is possible - Is executed directly for optimal performance */ var ua = function () { var w3cdom = typeof doc.getElementById != UNDEF && typeof doc.getElementsByTagName != UNDEF && typeof doc.createElement != UNDEF && typeof doc.appendChild != UNDEF && typeof doc.replaceChild != UNDEF && typeof doc.removeChild != UNDEF && typeof doc.cloneNode != UNDEF, playerVersion = [0, 0, 0], d = null; if (typeof nav.plugins != UNDEF && typeof nav.plugins[SHOCKWAVE_FLASH] == OBJECT) { d = nav.plugins[SHOCKWAVE_FLASH].description; if (d) { d = d.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/, "$1"); playerVersion[0] = parseInt(d.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/, "$1"), 10); playerVersion[1] = parseInt(d.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/, "$1"), 10); playerVersion[2] = /r/.test(d) ? parseInt(d.replace(/^.*r(.*)$/, "$1"), 10) : 0; } } else if (typeof win.ActiveXObject != UNDEF) { var a = null, fp6Crash = false; try { a = new ActiveXObject(SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX + ".7"); } catch (e) { try { a = new ActiveXObject(SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX + ".6"); playerVersion = [6, 0, 21]; a.AllowScriptAccess = "always"; // Introduced in fp6.0.47 } catch (e) { if (playerVersion[0] == 6) { fp6Crash = true; } } if (!fp6Crash) { try { a = new ActiveXObject(SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX); } catch (e) { } } } if (!fp6Crash && a) { // a will return null when ActiveX is disabled try { d = a.GetVariable("$version"); // Will crash fp6.0.21/23/29 if (d) { d = d.split(" ")[1].split(","); playerVersion = [parseInt(d[0], 10), parseInt(d[1], 10), parseInt(d[2], 10)]; } } catch (e) { } } } var u = nav.userAgent.toLowerCase(), p = nav.platform.toLowerCase(), webkit = /webkit/.test(u) ? parseFloat(u.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/, "$1")) : false, // returns either the webkit version or false if not webkit ie = false, windows = p ? /win/.test(p) : /win/.test(u), mac = p ? /mac/.test(p) : /mac/.test(u); /*@cc_on ie = true; @if (@_win32) windows = true; @elif (@_mac) mac = true; @end @*/ return { w3cdom: w3cdom, pv: playerVersion, webkit: webkit, ie: ie, win: windows, mac: mac }; }(); /* Cross-browser onDomLoad - Based on Dean Edwards' solution: http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2006/06/again/ - Will fire an event as soon as the DOM of a page is loaded (supported by Gecko based browsers - like Firefox -, IE, Opera9+, Safari) */ var onDomLoad = function () { if (!ua.w3cdom) { return; } addDomLoadEvent(main); if (ua.ie && ua.win) { try { // Avoid a possible Operation Aborted error doc.write(""); // String is split into pieces to avoid Norton AV to add code that can cause errors var s = getElementById("__ie_ondomload"); if (s) { s.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == "complete") { this.parentNode.removeChild(this); callDomLoadFunctions(); } }; } } catch (e) { } } if (ua.webkit && typeof doc.readyState != UNDEF) { timer = setInterval(function () { if (/loaded|complete/.test(doc.readyState)) { callDomLoadFunctions(); } }, 10); } if (typeof doc.addEventListener != UNDEF) { doc.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", callDomLoadFunctions, null); } addLoadEvent(callDomLoadFunctions); }(); function callDomLoadFunctions() { if (isDomLoaded) { return; } if (ua.ie && ua.win) { // Test if we can really add elements to the DOM; we don't want to fire it too early var s = createElement("span"); try { // Avoid a possible Operation Aborted error var t = doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(s); t.parentNode.removeChild(t); } catch (e) { return; } } isDomLoaded = true; if (timer) { clearInterval(timer); timer = null; } var dl = domLoadFnArr.length; for (var i = 0; i < dl; i++) { domLoadFnArr[i](); } } function addDomLoadEvent(fn) { if (isDomLoaded) { fn(); } else { domLoadFnArr[domLoadFnArr.length] = fn; // Array.push() is only available in IE5.5+ } } /* Cross-browser onload - Based on James Edwards' solution: http://brothercake.com/site/resources/scripts/onload/ - Will fire an event as soon as a web page including all of its assets are loaded */ function addLoadEvent(fn) { if (typeof win.addEventListener != UNDEF) { win.addEventListener("load", fn, false); } else if (typeof doc.addEventListener != UNDEF) { doc.addEventListener("load", fn, false); } else if (typeof win.attachEvent != UNDEF) { win.attachEvent("onload", fn); } else if (typeof win.onload == "function") { var fnOld = win.onload; win.onload = function () { fnOld(); fn(); }; } else { win.onload = fn; } } /* Main function - Will preferably execute onDomLoad, otherwise onload (as a fallback) */ function main() { // Static publishing only var rl = regObjArr.length; for (var i = 0; i < rl; i++) { // For each registered object element var id = regObjArr[i].id; if (ua.pv[0] > 0) { var obj = getElementById(id); if (obj) { regObjArr[i].width = obj.getAttribute("width") ? obj.getAttribute("width") : "0"; regObjArr[i].height = obj.getAttribute("height") ? obj.getAttribute("height") : "0"; if (hasPlayerVersion(regObjArr[i].swfVersion)) { // Flash plug-in version >= Flash content version: Houston, we have a match! if (ua.webkit && ua.webkit < 312) { // Older webkit engines ignore the object element's nested param elements fixParams(obj); } setVisibility(id, true); } else if (regObjArr[i].expressInstall && !isExpressInstallActive && hasPlayerVersion("6.0.65") && (ua.win || ua.mac)) { // Show the Adobe Express Install dialog if set by the web page author and if supported (fp6.0.65+ on Win/Mac OS only) showExpressInstall(regObjArr[i]); } else { // Flash plug-in and Flash content version mismatch: display alternative content instead of Flash content displayAltContent(obj); } } } else { // If no fp is installed, we let the object element do its job (show alternative content) setVisibility(id, true); } } } /* Fix nested param elements, which are ignored by older webkit engines - This includes Safari up to and including version 1.2.2 on Mac OS 10.3 - Fall back to the proprietary embed element */ function fixParams(obj) { var nestedObj = obj.getElementsByTagName(OBJECT)[0]; if (nestedObj) { var e = createElement("embed"), a = nestedObj.attributes; if (a) { var al = a.length; for (var i = 0; i < al; i++) { if (a[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "data") { e.setAttribute("src", a[i].nodeValue); } else { e.setAttribute(a[i].nodeName, a[i].nodeValue); } } } var c = nestedObj.childNodes; if (c) { var cl = c.length; for (var j = 0; j < cl; j++) { if (c[j].nodeType == 1 && c[j].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "param") { e.setAttribute(c[j].getAttribute("name"), c[j].getAttribute("value")); } } } obj.parentNode.replaceChild(e, obj); } } /* Fix hanging audio/video threads and force open sockets and NetConnections to disconnect - Occurs when unloading a web page in IE using fp8+ and innerHTML/outerHTML - Dynamic publishing only */ function fixObjectLeaks(id) { if (ua.ie && ua.win && hasPlayerVersion("8.0.0")) { win.attachEvent("onunload", function () { var obj = getElementById(id); if (obj) { for (var i in obj) { if (typeof obj[i] == "function") { obj[i] = function () { }; } } obj.parentNode.removeChild(obj); } }); } } /* Show the Adobe Express Install dialog - Reference: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=6a253b75 */ function showExpressInstall(regObj) { isExpressInstallActive = true; var obj = getElementById(regObj.id); if (obj) { if (regObj.altContentId) { var ac = getElementById(regObj.altContentId); if (ac) { storedAltContent = ac; storedAltContentId = regObj.altContentId; } } else { storedAltContent = abstractAltContent(obj); } if (!(/%$/.test(regObj.width)) && parseInt(regObj.width, 10) < 310) { regObj.width = "310"; } if (!(/%$/.test(regObj.height)) && parseInt(regObj.height, 10) < 137) { regObj.height = "137"; } doc.title = doc.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation"; var pt = ua.ie && ua.win ? "ActiveX" : "PlugIn", dt = doc.title, fv = "MMredirectURL=" + win.location + "&MMplayerType=" + pt + "&MMdoctitle=" + dt, replaceId = regObj.id; // For IE when a SWF is loading (AND: not available in cache) wait for the onload event to fire to remove the original object element // In IE you cannot properly cancel a loading SWF file without breaking browser load references, also obj.onreadystatechange doesn't work if (ua.ie && ua.win && obj.readyState != 4) { var newObj = createElement("div"); replaceId += "SWFObjectNew"; newObj.setAttribute("id", replaceId); obj.parentNode.insertBefore(newObj, obj); // Insert placeholder div that will be replaced by the object element that loads expressinstall.swf obj.style.display = "none"; win.attachEvent("onload", function () { obj.parentNode.removeChild(obj); }); } createSWF({ data: regObj.expressInstall, id: EXPRESS_INSTALL_ID, width: regObj.width, height: regObj.height }, { flashvars: fv }, replaceId); } } /* Functions to abstract and display alternative content */ function displayAltContent(obj) { if (ua.ie && ua.win && obj.readyState != 4) { // For IE when a SWF is loading (AND: not available in cache) wait for the onload event to fire to remove the original object element // In IE you cannot properly cancel a loading SWF file without breaking browser load references, also obj.onreadystatechange doesn't work var el = createElement("div"); obj.parentNode.insertBefore(el, obj); // Insert placeholder div that will be replaced by the alternative content el.parentNode.replaceChild(abstractAltContent(obj), el); obj.style.display = "none"; win.attachEvent("onload", function () { obj.parentNode.removeChild(obj); }); } else { obj.parentNode.replaceChild(abstractAltContent(obj), obj); } } function abstractAltContent(obj) { var ac = createElement("div"); if (ua.win && ua.ie) { ac.innerHTML = obj.innerHTML; } else { var nestedObj = obj.getElementsByTagName(OBJECT)[0]; if (nestedObj) { var c = nestedObj.childNodes; if (c) { var cl = c.length; for (var i = 0; i < cl; i++) { if (!(c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "param") && !(c[i].nodeType == 8)) { ac.appendChild(c[i].cloneNode(true)); } } } } } return ac; } /* Cross-browser dynamic SWF creation */ function createSWF(attObj, parObj, id) { var r, el = getElementById(id); if (typeof attObj.id == UNDEF) { // if no 'id' is defined for the object element, it will inherit the 'id' from the alternative content attObj.id = id; } if (ua.ie && ua.win) { // IE, the object element and W3C DOM methods do not combine: fall back to outerHTML var att = ""; for (var i in attObj) { if (attObj[i] != Object.prototype[i]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries, like Object.prototype.toJSONString = function() {} if (i == "data") { parObj.movie = attObj[i]; } else if (i.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { // 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword att += ' class="' + attObj[i] + '"'; } else if (i != "classid") { att += ' ' + i + '="' + attObj[i] + '"'; } } } var par = ""; for (var j in parObj) { if (parObj[j] != Object.prototype[j]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries par += ''; } } el.outerHTML = ''; fixObjectLeaks(attObj.id); // This bug affects dynamic publishing only r = getElementById(attObj.id); } else if (ua.webkit && ua.webkit < 312) { // Older webkit engines ignore the object element's nested param elements: fall back to the proprietary embed element var e = createElement("embed"); e.setAttribute("type", FLASH_MIME_TYPE); for (var k in attObj) { if (attObj[k] != Object.prototype[k]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries if (k == "data") { e.setAttribute("src", attObj[k]); } else if (k.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { // 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword e.setAttribute("class", attObj[k]); } else if (k != "classid") { // Filter out IE specific attribute e.setAttribute(k, attObj[k]); } } } for (var l in parObj) { if (parObj[l] != Object.prototype[l]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries if (l != "movie") { // Filter out IE specific param element e.setAttribute(l, parObj[l]); } } } el.parentNode.replaceChild(e, el); r = e; } else { // Well-behaving browsers var o = createElement(OBJECT); o.setAttribute("type", FLASH_MIME_TYPE); for (var m in attObj) { if (attObj[m] != Object.prototype[m]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries if (m.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { // 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword o.setAttribute("class", attObj[m]); } else if (m != "classid") { // Filter out IE specific attribute o.setAttribute(m, attObj[m]); } } } for (var n in parObj) { if (parObj[n] != Object.prototype[n] && n != "movie") { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries and IE specific param element createObjParam(o, n, parObj[n]); } } el.parentNode.replaceChild(o, el); r = o; } return r; } function createObjParam(el, pName, pValue) { var p = createElement("param"); p.setAttribute("name", pName); p.setAttribute("value", pValue); el.appendChild(p); } function getElementById(id) { return doc.getElementById(id); } function createElement(el) { return doc.createElement(el); } function hasPlayerVersion(rv) { var pv = ua.pv, v = rv.split("."); v[0] = parseInt(v[0], 10); v[1] = parseInt(v[1], 10); v[2] = parseInt(v[2], 10); return (pv[0] > v[0] || (pv[0] == v[0] && pv[1] > v[1]) || (pv[0] == v[0] && pv[1] == v[1] && pv[2] >= v[2])) ? true : false; } /* Cross-browser dynamic CSS creation - Based on Bobby van der Sluis' solution: http://www.bobbyvandersluis.com/articles/dynamicCSS.htmp */ function createCSS(sel, decl) { if (ua.ie && ua.mac) { return; } var h = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], s = createElement("style"); s.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); s.setAttribute("media", "screen"); if (!(ua.ie && ua.win) && typeof doc.createTextNode != UNDEF) { s.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(sel + " {" + decl + "}")); } h.appendChild(s); if (ua.ie && ua.win && typeof doc.styleSheets != UNDEF && doc.styleSheets.length > 0) { var ls = doc.styleSheets[doc.styleSheets.length - 1]; if (typeof ls.addRule == OBJECT) { ls.addRule(sel, decl); } } } function setVisibility(id, isVisible) { var v = isVisible ? "inherit" : "hidden"; if (isDomLoaded) { getElementById(id).style.visibility = v; } else { createCSS("#" + id, "visibility:" + v); } } function getTargetVersion(obj) { if (!obj) return 0; var c = obj.childNodes; var cl = c.length; for (var i = 0; i < cl; i++) { if (c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "object") { c = c[i].childNodes; cl = c.length; i = 0; } if (c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "param" && c[i].getAttribute("name") == "swfversion") { return c[i].getAttribute("value"); } } return 0; } function getExpressInstall(obj) { if (!obj) return ""; var c = obj.childNodes; var cl = c.length; for (var i = 0; i < cl; i++) { if (c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "object") { c = c[i].childNodes; cl = c.length; i = 0; } if (c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "param" && c[i].getAttribute("name") == "expressinstall") { return c[i].getAttribute("value"); } } return ""; } return { /* Public API - Reference: http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/wiki/SWFObject_2_0_documentation */ registerObject: function (objectIdStr, swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr) { if (!ua.w3cdom || !objectIdStr) { return; } var obj = document.getElementById(objectIdStr); var xi = getExpressInstall(obj); var regObj = {}; regObj.id = objectIdStr; regObj.swfVersion = swfVersionStr ? swfVersionStr : getTargetVersion(obj); regObj.expressInstall = xiSwfUrlStr ? xiSwfUrlStr : ((xi != "") ? xi : false); regObjArr[regObjArr.length] = regObj; setVisibility(objectIdStr, false); }, getObjectById: function (objectIdStr) { var r = null; if (ua.w3cdom && isDomLoaded) { var o = getElementById(objectIdStr); if (o) { var n = o.getElementsByTagName(OBJECT)[0]; if (!n || (n && typeof o.SetVariable != UNDEF)) { r = o; } else if (typeof n.SetVariable != UNDEF) { r = n; } } } return r; }, embedSWF: function (swfUrlStr, replaceElemIdStr, widthStr, heightStr, swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr, flashvarsObj, parObj, attObj) { if (!ua.w3cdom || !swfUrlStr || !replaceElemIdStr || !widthStr || !heightStr || !swfVersionStr) { return; } widthStr += ""; // Auto-convert to string to make it idiot proof heightStr += ""; if (hasPlayerVersion(swfVersionStr)) { setVisibility(replaceElemIdStr, false); var att = (typeof attObj == OBJECT) ? attObj : {}; att.data = swfUrlStr; att.width = widthStr; att.height = heightStr; var par = (typeof parObj == OBJECT) ? parObj : {}; if (typeof flashvarsObj == OBJECT) { for (var i in flashvarsObj) { if (flashvarsObj[i] != Object.prototype[i]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries if (typeof par.flashvars != UNDEF) { par.flashvars += "&" + i + "=" + flashvarsObj[i]; } else { par.flashvars = i + "=" + flashvarsObj[i]; } } } } addDomLoadEvent(function () { createSWF(att, par, replaceElemIdStr); if (att.id == replaceElemIdStr) { setVisibility(replaceElemIdStr, true); } }); } else if (xiSwfUrlStr && !isExpressInstallActive && hasPlayerVersion("6.0.65") && (ua.win || ua.mac)) { setVisibility(replaceElemIdStr, false); addDomLoadEvent(function () { var regObj = {}; regObj.id = regObj.altContentId = replaceElemIdStr; regObj.width = widthStr; regObj.height = heightStr; regObj.expressInstall = xiSwfUrlStr; showExpressInstall(regObj); }); } }, getFlashPlayerVersion: function () { return { major: ua.pv[0], minor: ua.pv[1], release: ua.pv[2] }; }, hasFlashPlayerVersion: hasPlayerVersion, createSWF: function (attObj, parObj, replaceElemIdStr) { if (ua.w3cdom && isDomLoaded) { return createSWF(attObj, parObj, replaceElemIdStr); } else { return undefined; } }, createCSS: function (sel, decl) { if (ua.w3cdom) { createCSS(sel, decl); } }, addDomLoadEvent: addDomLoadEvent, addLoadEvent: addLoadEvent, getQueryParamValue: function (param) { var q = doc.location.search || doc.location.hash; if (param == null) { return q; } if (q) { var pairs = q.substring(1).split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { if (pairs[i].substring(0, pairs[i].indexOf("=")) == param) { return pairs[i].substring((pairs[i].indexOf("=") + 1)); } } } return ""; }, // For internal usage only expressInstallCallback: function () { if (isExpressInstallActive && storedAltContent) { var obj = getElementById(EXPRESS_INSTALL_ID); if (obj) { obj.parentNode.replaceChild(storedAltContent, obj); if (storedAltContentId) { setVisibility(storedAltContentId, true); if (ua.ie && ua.win) { storedAltContent.style.display = "block"; } } storedAltContent = null; storedAltContentId = null; isExpressInstallActive = false; } } } }; }(); //搜索查询 function SiteSearch(send_url, divTgs, channel_name) { var strwhere = ""; if (channel_name !== undefined) { strwhere = "&channel_name=" + channel_name } var str = $.trim($(divTgs).val()); if (str.length > 0 && str != "输入关健字") { window.location.href = send_url + "?keyword=" + encodeURI($(divTgs).val()) + strwhere; } return false; } //切换验证码 function ToggleCode(obj, codeurl) { $(obj).children("img").eq(0).attr("src", codeurl + "?time=" + Math.random()); return false; } /****产品二级****/ $(function(){ $(".subNav").click(function(){ $(this).toggleClass("currentDd").siblings(".subNav").removeClass("currentDd"); $(this).toggleClass("currentDt").siblings(".subNav").removeClass("currentDt"); $(this).next(".navContent").slideToggle(300).siblings(".navContent").slideUp(500); 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